Saturday, January 11, 2014


First of all  thank you everyone who has stopped by lately to listen to me whine and a special thank you to those who left comments.  It means a lot to me so know it is appreciated.

Things are better.  I'm feeling better although I've done a lot of sleeping the last couple of days.  Probably just catch up though, I keep weird hours.  I'll get an idea into my head and start doing things and before I know it three or four hours have passed and the sun is almost ready to come up.  It didn't help that we had that arctic vortex come down and it was cold as all get out and my bedroom always seems to be at least 10 degrees colder than the rest of the house.  I love it once I warm up and fall asleep.

I got excited for a few hours after I received an email in answer to a resume I had sent out.  They wanted me to call their HR manager and set up an interview.  I cheered a little and then did some research on the company.  Another MLM but this time I had gotten the lead from a legitimate job posting site not Craigslist.  That sucked

Daddy and I had a talk last night and this morning.  I think he is starting to understand my need  for him to set up rules and tasks so that I feel connected to him when he's really busy.  He did say he'd join me at my other blog, one I set up just for me and him.  This way I can "talk" to him, tell him about my day, my fears, my triumphs and he can read when he's got time even if it's 4am.  He can leave answers too that I can pick up later.  He knows I sleep with my phone so if he texts or sends me an email or an IM in messenger I wake up.  We will see how that works out.  I am hoping eventually he becomes quite vocal about it and I love that it will be "written down" so I can go back and reread the parts I love.

I am trying to connect more with people who understand or at least accept the dynamic I have with him.  even if it is just lurking, I find that I learn things and that I am not the only one who feels the way I do.  I have this blog and my Facebook page, my twitter and I've been checking out tumblr too.  Next place will be Pinterest I guess, I remember when it first started.  I should have joined back then but who knew?

So here's a question.  Those of you who identify as baby girls or littles and have children of your own, do you let your little out with them?  The more I accept myself being the way I am, the more readily my little comes out to visit.  I am still Mama, my word is still law but sometimes, when I'm happy or sick or fixated on something then it comes out around my kids.  They don't care, they seem to love it but they are very nurturing toward me anyway.  Like the other day I was looking for a new toothbrush holder.  Mine got lost during the move and we were shopping and all of a sudden I had to have a Hello Kitty one.  They had one that I didn't like much and it was expensive but I had it stuck in my head that it had to be that.  So we spent the next 40 minutes wandering around trying to figure out what I could use.  Of course I had to have it then, it wasn't something that could wait.  They were patient even though they were starving and even helped me decide what to do.  This is the finished result.  Not Hello Kitty after all but cute and sparkly and didn't cost me an arm and a leg.

No Hello Kitty but I see Winnie and Minnie!

Anyway, here I go again, it's after 4 am.  I'd better get to bed.

Smoochie says sweet dreams!

::: (\_(\
*: (=’ :’) :*
•.. (,(”)(”)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`»   Baby C


DelFonte said...

Sounds like things are progressing with Daddy. Hope you find that elusive job soon.

Ava Grace said...

Daddy and I (despite our appellations) are not into age-play so there is no so-called little to come out. We are both very careful not to let His kidlets (10 and 13) become aware of our dynamic, however I imagine with being a little it is easier for it to come our because children will just presume you are being playful :)

Baby C said...

Thank you DelFonte. It would take a load off my mind.

Ava - My two youngest are a year older than your Daddy's kids. Yes they love the playful side.

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