Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Poor Daddy is sick...again.  He was at the hospital last night.  I guess they have some nasty respiratory thing going around and he needed a breathing treatment.  They work him to death.  He never gets a chance just to rest and get well.  I did get to talk to him for a little bit today when he got home.  After that he said he was going to bed.

Yesterday was Martin Luther King Day and the kids were out of school.  Their sister had bought them an annual pass for the aquarium for Christmas so we went to check it out..

It was really tiny but they had some interesting exhibits.  We love aquariums and visit as many as we can.  It made for a nice hour.  They just opened this one before Christmas so there are things still not there yet.  The seals (my son's favorite) and the otters won't be in until the spring, so we have those to look forward to.

I took some video before I ran out of memory on my card.  These are my absolute favorites, the moon jellies, and this is my favorite song in the whole world.

Afterwards they went shopping in the little gift shop there and spent some of the money they got for Christmas.  We got back to the car and they had a pressie for me!  Smoochie has a friend now although we haven't named him/her yet.

I spent the day working on some Ebay listings.  I found some old maternity clothes I had .  When  I sold the rest I made more than I paid for some of them, so I am hoping that will be the case here.  After that I have some clothes the kids grew out of.  Then I have a bunch of brand new, tags still on, plus size clothing I will go through and sell.

Right now though, this tired little girl is going to bed.

Smoochie and his friend wish you pleasant dreams!

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*: (=’ :’) :*
•.. (,(”)(”)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`»   Baby C


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